Vacant Lots and Dendro-remediation Sites

Vacant Lots

As individuals and communities prioritize blighted lots, the Vacant Land Treatment Guide provides people with treatment options, benefits, pricing, and estimated implementation timelines. Click HERE to download The Greening of Detroit's Vacant Land Treatment Guide to learn about the different types of recommended green infrastructure treatments.  Detroit residents are encouraged to seek guidance, resources and support from us and fellow community members throughout the process.

We continue to impact long-term planning for green revitalization in Detroit by lending a hand and offering our expertise to government agencies and corporations throughout the city. We work with hundreds of community partners in Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park to improve parks, beautify neighborhoods and create useful landscapes from vacant land. 

Dendro-remediation Sites

Dendro-remediation is the process of using trees to reduce and eliminate toxic substances in the soil.  The primary objective  is to reduce soil toxicity by introducing green infrastructure to select former industrial and commercial sites. Secondary objectives include improving stormwater management, improving air quality, and beautifying vacant lots in a way that reduces maintenance costs for the City of Detroit

The Greening is funded through Detroit Future City and has worked on 8 brownfields sites located throughout the City of Detroit.  To date we have planted over 6000 trees in order to clean the soil.